
News and Information about fiddler Tom Cunningham

The site with everything you ever wanted to know about fiddler, mandolinist, guitarist, storyteller, and educator Tom Cunningham. Tom lives in Louisville, KY, plays driving contra dance music with Hot Coffee Breakdown and Wizard Walk, traditional Celtic music with Kate Sanders, and plays with several local bluegrass bands, including Mary’s Dad’s Band and Hotmix. Tom tells stories and plays fiddle in his solo show FiddleTales, and teaches fiddle, guitar, and mandolin. He’s also known for his strolling fiddle, in many styles.

Here you can hear Tom’s music, watch videos of Tom playing, purchase music, and get all kinds of other information about Tom. Just start by hitting the buttons at the right. Enjoy your tour!

“He’s a sharp dude. He’s a scholar, and artist, an entertainer. He is comfortable with different styles (of music), jazz, swing. Very esoteric. A very spirited entertainer.” -John Gage, host of Kentucky Homefront